Katia Rovelli

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Katia is a psychologist trainee and Ph.D. student in Personal and Educational Sciences. Person, Development, Learning. Epistemological, theoretical and applicative perspectivess” at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (UCSC) of Milan, where she also obtained the Master’s Degree Diploma in “Psychology for wellbeing: empowerment, rehabilitation, and positive technology”.

She is a member of the International Research Center for Cognitive Applied Neuroscience (IrcCAN), Faculty of Psychology, and of the Research Unit in Affective and Social Neuroscience, Department of Psychology, UCSC. She is an academic tutor for the 2nd-level Post-Graduate Master Degree in "Behavioural Neuroscience: Prevention, Neuroempowerment, and Neurorehabilitation" and for the 1st -level Post-Graduate Master Degree in "Neuromanagement for Organizations: Neuroassessment, Neuroempowerment, and Innovation”; she also is member of the Editorial Staff of the international journal Neuropsychological Trends.

Her research interests include neurocognitive enhancement applied to professional and organizational contexts. She is certified in "International Leadership and Organizational Behavior" and she is currently dedicated to implementing tools for the evaluation of decision-making processes in complex organizational contexts through the application of the neuroscientific method (EEG wereable, biofeedback, analysis of autonomic, neurophysiological, and behavioural responses). Finally, part of her research includes the study of brain synchronization in educational contexts and the analysis of neuroarchitectural components.